How Much Health Bar is Too Much Health Bar? Representations of Health in Video Games

*Note – I will be on vacation until the second of January. Updates will resume then. Happy New Year, Internet. Since Mario picked up that first magic mushroom, developers have been having to deal with characters that don’t die in a single hit. Over generations, and genres, the measure of health or relative safety has…

Skyrim’s PS3 Problems Are Inexcusable

Having just watched The Hobbit, I was in the mood for something a little fantasyish so I popped in Skyrim to have another bout with Bethesda’s most current open world RPG. My primary system is the Playstation 3, so I didn’t hesitate to pick it up for it way back. After all, I’ve only rarely…

Great Video Game Battle Music You’ve Never Heard Of

Hi there, internet. Music is the cornerstone of any good game. Even if it is just the generic lets get pumped music that permeates most shooters. Without music, you’d be limited to nothing but vocals and sound effects and games that do this always seem so bland (To me at least). Music can change a fairly…

Game Interfaces, Take Two

Hey there, people. This is Alana, writing because Nick is in the midst of a punishing law school exam schedule, and I guess he’s being a baby about it or whatever. Sorry for the late update – this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but for some reason the post I wrote was eaten up…

The Stagnation of Mario

Yesterday was this blog’s first year anniversary so hurray for us. As part of that, I thought that, since I started with Mario a year ago, I should write about Mario today. As such, we are going to be looking at a serious issue that has started plaguing Mario games of late: stagnation. Even the…

Persona 4: The Golden Review

The Shin Megami Tensei meta series is about as hardcore as it can possibly get. While many JRPG developers tried to follow the path of Final Fantasy and make their games increasingly accessible, Atlus more or less stuck to their guns in delivering hardcore experiences. This has given them Valve level fan support and has…