Rayman Legends Challenge App – A Surprisingly Amazing Idea

Back when Ubisoft announced that former Wii U exclusive Rayman Legends would be ported to every other system, things didn’t look so good. The delay was set to put them directly against huge holiday rush competition, and, more importantly, the decision came as a major slap in the face to Wii U users, many of…

Law School is a Harsh Mistress

Hi there, internet. The bad news is that exam time has been cannibalizing all of my time, and I’ve finally hit the point that I have to go on hiatus. Unfortunately, this means cancelling more than a few posts. So, think of this as me going on vacation. I’ll see you on Saturday April 27th,…

Retro Review – Castlevania

I am currently short on both time and cash. Time stops me from a substantial post on Batman Arkham Origins or Microsoft’s event, and cash stops me from trying out any recent games. Because of this fund scarcity of late, I’ve been screwing around with some of the 3DS’ virtual console releases, and I figured,…

4 Genres You Just Don’t Have Time For

*Speaking of not having time for things, I have to cancel Thursday’s post. Sorry for the short notice, but I’ll try to make it up with a more substantive post on Saturday. Do you know what the biggest difference about modern gaming and classic gaming is when you boil it all down? It’s accessibility. Old…