Is It Time To End The Final Fantasy Series?

Is it time to end the Final Fantasy series? This is a question I come across quite a bit as I browse various groups and websites on ye olde internet. It’s easy to see why this question is so prominent. After all, Square has been solely interested in developing the extremely divisive Final Fantasy XIII…

Review – Soul Sacrifice

Soul Sacrifice was announced near the release of the Vita and has been anticipated as the saviour of the struggling system since then. This is in part due to stellar, intriguing previews, and, most prominently, the fact that it has been the only big release on the Vita’s schedule since Persona 4: The Golden came…

5 Environments I’m Sick of Seeing in Video Games

Environments are really important, a fact I can’t emphasize enough. Some games revolve entirely around their environments such as Silent Hill or the Bioshock series, while others throw in some unforgettable area that gets you really into the game such as Final Fantasy VI’s Phantom Train or Magitek Facility. Unfortunately, the converse is also true,…

Review – Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Firstly, sorry for the unannounced missed post on Thursday. I’m a little sick right now, so hopefully everything seems coherent. Far Cry 3 was a very impressive game last year, one that made a lot of people’s game of the year pick. Truthfully, I don’t like the Far Cry series. Neither the first nor second…