Forbes: Predicting the End of the Vita, and all Handheld Gaming

Isn’t this interesting, internet. I post a rant about how Mobile Phone games aren’t at all a threat to traditional gaming, and Forbes fires back with an article about how the Vita’s launch failed in Japan and its all because of Mobile gaming. Here’s the article for those of you interested. Here’s what happened,…

Backlog: The Biggest Lie Told to Gamers (Metal Gear Solid HD Collection)

Sometimes developers aren’t entirely forthcoming about what is in a game. In these situations, we buy a game under certain expectations and get surprised by what the developer has done. What Hideo Kojima did with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty was on a whole other level of lying. For those of you living…

Backlog: Mario Kart 7

Today, internet, we will be looking at Mario Kart 7. This is the first of my backlog games. Now that Christmas is over, I’m going to be going though a lot of games between September and December. We start off with Mario Kart 7 since I’ve had the most time to play it. This is…

Christmas Wishlist: What do we Want Next Year in Gaming?

Here we are on Christmas day and the end of the biggest commercial season of the year. Now, after everyone recovers from Turkey and various levels of severe intoxication, we can look forward to next year’s Christmas (only 365 days away!). So, what should be on gamers’ collective wishlist for next year? Well, there are…