6 Ways Skyrim Missed the Mark

In celebration of the Xbox release of Skyrim’s Dawnguard DLC, I thought I would tear into the game a bit. While this post will be very negative, it is important to remember that I actually quite enjoy Skyrim. I’ve played through it multiple times and have obtained a Platinum trophy on the PS3 for it.…

When do Games Overstay their Welcome?

It was recently announced that Bioware’s Dragon Age team would no longer be working on Dragon Age 2, seemingly abandoning the planned Exalted March DLC. Bioware has stated that this team would be moving on to new projects. In other words, Dragon Age 2 isn’t worth developing for anymore. This gets to the main focus…

Five Video Game Characters who would Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s day everybody. As everyone knows, St. Patrick’s day is about two things: bastardizing Irish culture, and getting very drunk, over a very long period of time. In commemoration of this event, it seemed like a good idea to highlight some notable video game characters who enjoy booze as much as any St.…